A turtle shell. A sand scooper. A water bucket. A rescue helmet. A hero mask. A wobbly, spinning seat. A stool. A stepping stone. A cradle for dolls. A sand mould. A giant cereal bowl. An impenetrable home base for action figures.
The list goes on and on!
And the best part - unlike the buckets, wood planks, cardboard boxes, and other odds and ends kids might find in the garage to play with (much to your chagrin), bilbo is meant to be played with.
It's made of high-density polyethylene so it's shock-resistant, weather-proof, food-safe, and completely recyclable. Plus, its rounded, friendly shape is designed to spark curiosity and inspire the imagination.
Enliven playtime with bilibo, the most versatile tool in the toybox!
bilibo by MOLUK - Limited Edition Midnight
Bowl-shaped toy designed to be used any way kids can imagine
Encourages gross motor skills, active play, imaginative play, creativity, critical-thinking, problem-solving
Great for inspiring open-ended play, indoors and out!
Completely recyclable
Includes one bilibo
Made of high-density polyethylene
No weight limit
Please note due to the size and shape of the Bilibo, our free giftwrap service is not available for this item.
Orders are generally dispatched within 24 hours of receipt of payment (excluding weekends and Public Holidays). We do our very best to dispatch orders placed before 1pmweekdays, within the same day. Gift-wrapping requests may delay same day dispatch of your order.
Free nationwide courier delivery on all orders over R1000
Nominal flat rate of R90 nationwide shipping on orders under R1000
Free collection from our shop at 28 Rembrandt St, Petervale, Johannesburg open weekdays 09h00 - 16h00.
Courier Delivery Guidelines
Gauteng: Next day from dispatch
All major cities outside of Gauteng: 48 hours from dispatch
Remote towns: 48 - 72 hours from dispatch
Important things to note:
If sending gifts to a different address make sure to keep your own name and address as the default billing address and then add the recipient's name, address and contact details at the shipping page at check-out. This way we will know not to include any pricing information.
Please use the gift message drop down box at check-out to add a message to accompany your gift or to communicate any specific gift-wrapping or delivery instructions to us.
Any questions about the delivery process, or need something in a hurry, please contact us on 0784938536 and we will happily assist.
Areas considered high risk by our courier partners or delivery to remote farms may attract a surcharge.
The courier tracking number will be emailed to you once your order has been dispatched. Customers are responsible for having someone at the delivery address during the day to sign for and accept delivery.
Timeless Toys reserves the right to amend delivery prices for extremely heavy or peculiar sized or shaped items. We will always contact you first and will never charge extra without your consent.